Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Everything? Absolutely everything?

I'm wondering if the Méjanes building supplies company really had "tout pour la construction."

They seemed to have run out of plaster partway through this project.

Isn't that a good thing?At least the passer-by gets a glimpse of the building's original stone.

(Photo courtesy of Thierry Jouanneteau)


Anonymous said...

Great photo! I love the contour of the "fault line" between the stucco/cement(?) overlay and the underlying rock.

Betty Carlson said...

Plaster probably isn't the right word -- that's what they'd need to get the whatever to stick. I never know what to call it -- stucco, maybe -- in French it's called "crépis" and even has its own verb, "crépir."

Any vocabulary help out there?

Katie Zeller said...

I love the understatements of advertising. My favorite it 'Mattress Universe'.... Are you certain...

Jann said...

I think this is a damn good thing~I love to see the buildings like this...look at that gorgeous stone....this is beautiful!