Saturday, November 24, 2007

Rodez by dawn

Although I'm often in Rodez around dawn, I'm usually rushing across the Bourran viaduct to get to work after dropping my daughter off at her high school.

Last Sunday, though, I had the unusual opportunity -- yes, I'll call it an opportunity -- to be in Rodez before 7:00 am on a Sunday morning.

It's a very quiet place at that time, and the cathedral looms even when it isn't illuminated:

A surprising number of cars were out and about, perhaps because at least three buses were scooping up passengers for outings, including my daughter's to see an opera in Toulouse.

Only two businesses had opened their doors: one of the town's larger bakeries and a tobacco/press stand.

Not a single café was serving yet -- of course how many Ruthénois really want to be seen in public at 6:45 am on a Sunday morning?

The city was timidly opening an eye; some say it never entirely wakes up on Sunday. Perhaps it deserves a day of rest.


tut-tut said...

Being out and about that early always makes me feel a bit like a tourist.

Betty Carlson said...

Yes, I felt like maybe I had a plane to catch or something. But it was nothing that exciting!

Randal Graves said...

Good time for a walk though, nice and quiet, lack of a crowd.

Anonymous said...

Can I just say I'm insanely jealous of your life?


Linda said...

I love quiet streets in a city but usually am asleep so it's a nice surprise when it happens.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I dream about such a quiet place with noone at all... And it's Rodez! No comparaison with the crazy crowded bombay. Extremes make you appreciate both.

Anne Corrons said...

Oh, my God! I've just discovered your blog and my best friend is from Aveyron, so I'm going to give her your Web site. I 'll read more articles later.

Tinsie said...

Lovely pics! I don't think I've ever seen London before 7:00 AM (except for that one time I walked my friend to the train station at 4:30 AM on her way to the airport to catch an early flight). I hate mornings, esp. dark winter mornings.

But the pics are really nice :-)

Jann said...

You caught the town just as it was waking up~A perfect time to be driving thru!