No, this is not another half-whine, half-mourn about how sick of cooking I am. This is actually a response to a tag. Well, let's say a tag I invited myself into because I've been such a lame blogger that the tagger, my dear friend Loulou thought of tagging me but figured I'd be too uninspired to carry through!
Now there's a challenge that would revive any blogger...
The original tag from Croque-Camille was "find seven blue objects in your house and do a little show and tell." Loulou took this one step beyond in her lovely post and showed all sorts of blues in and around her village.
If I lived where she does, I might do that too. But here in Aveyron, things are a little greyer, or pinker, or just plain colorless. However, blue is my favorite color and I figured I could find seven objects just from my kitchen...and revive some food photos at the same time.
Now there's a challenge that would revive any blogger...
The original tag from Croque-Camille was "find seven blue objects in your house and do a little show and tell." Loulou took this one step beyond in her lovely post and showed all sorts of blues in and around her village.
If I lived where she does, I might do that too. But here in Aveyron, things are a little greyer, or pinker, or just plain colorless. However, blue is my favorite color and I figured I could find seven objects just from my kitchen...and revive some food photos at the same time.
- A mug from who knows where, containing a type of individually-served Mexican rice salad from the days when I was doing imaginative cooking
- A plate from a set that my husband picked up at the local Leclerc supermarket
- A napkin that goes with a tablecloth set I bought in Avignon -- these are generally reserved for company, so maybe I brought them out to offset:
- The unmatched utensils, including a blue teaspoon that goes back many years!

I could go on and on, as about half of the things in my kitchen are blue.
What about you? Where do you have "the blues?" Feel free to play...
I have a lot of blue things in my kitchen, too - I had to edit to the most interesting ones. (Somehow the handle of my vegetable brush and my broken/repaired salt container didn't seem like they would captivate an audience.) :)
That stove of yours is gorgeous!
Yes, I do like my stove, even though I have sometimes admired the top-of-the-line brands in France. I think I'll stick with this one until it goes.
Thanks for the comment! I have been a lousy blogger and follower lately but will hop over and take a look at what you've been writing...
Hmmmm.... I don't think there's a lot of blue in my kitchen at all, my cooking colours are mainly white, yellow and orange. I'll have a look and see what I can find. I love memes :-)
Tinsie -- Why not do it with another color? Yellow and orange would be great for fall...
So glad you "got the blues!" I look forward to seeing your kitchen and all of your blue dishes, etc. very soon.
I love that stove too. Beautiful!
I love all your blue things. I'm trying to get inspired about cooking as well. But maybe it's for the best.
I'll have a look around here to see if I have 7 blue items.
BTW: we must be about the same age. I turned 55 this summer. You may be younger than me.
All you food looks super yummy and your kitchen is beautiful! I just came across your blog it is lovely!
Dedene, you do not look your age at all -- I thought you were maybe younger than me -- I'm the younger one by a full handful of years (don't really want to put stark numbers on the blog, lol!)
Shelly thank you for stopping by! I don't have an education-oriented blog -- perhaps I will someday, but for the moment I keep up this expat/France site and have for going on four years.
I've got very little blue in my house (I prefer warm colours and my kitchen and bookshelves are RED)...
I love your stove.
I lived in China for over five years (and a few more in other Asian countries) and my kitchen and house are FULL of blue and white objects.
Your fondants look delicious!
I've got all my blues photographed and ready, all I need now is to find time to write the post. I cheated and photographed some of my sister-in-law's stuff, as she's got a lot of blue in her kitchen ;-)
Tinsie, that's great you've done this! Try to send me a link as a comment when you post!
Here you are:
I am hungry looking at all this food and my mouth is watering for your stove-blue is good,really good!
Hi Betty, I posted a comment with a link to my "cooking blues" post a couple of days ago, but it hasn't appeared yet. Have you seen it?
Hello Tinsie and thank you for leaving the link! I was in Paris for work on Tuesday and Wednesday, and have been behind all week -- so am just getting to my email notices about blog comments, etc. Thanks for adding your contribution -- I'm going to take a look right now!
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