This is a little late for Valentine's Day, but I know a lot of my readers are American women married to French men. If you have love on your mind at the moment, you might be intrigued by the release of a new book by Polly Platt due out in September 2007. Entitled "Love à la française, The Supreme French Exception", it deals with marriages between French men and American women.
The first three tips for success, according to an advance article about the book on Expatica, are:
"— First and foremost, learn the language.
— Learn to cook. 'It's not essential, but it helps.'
— Learn to get along with your mother-in-law. 'Have every Sunday lunch if you have to!'"
Does this advice seem pertinent to you? What do you think of the whole list of ten tips which can be found in the article? They seem rather stereotypical and old-fashioned to me, but perhaps they'll ring true to some of you....
The first three tips for success, according to an advance article about the book on Expatica, are:
"— First and foremost, learn the language.
— Learn to cook. 'It's not essential, but it helps.'
— Learn to get along with your mother-in-law. 'Have every Sunday lunch if you have to!'"
Does this advice seem pertinent to you? What do you think of the whole list of ten tips which can be found in the article? They seem rather stereotypical and old-fashioned to me, but perhaps they'll ring true to some of you....
(Image courtesy of Hugh Macleod from gapingvoid -- and do check out his great blog of "cartoons drawn on the back of business cards.")