On Monday I'll be staying in a hotel in Toulouse to catch an early flight to Frankfurt, then Seattle. It will be the first time since 1990 that I will have made the trip alone. But she is already there, and she is staying behind with papa for a few weeks before the four of us will be reunited in the USA in late July.
I usually manage to do some blog posting over the summer, at least here where anything can happen -- although nothing has been happening of late. But I think I'm going to take advantage of my summer respite to rethink my blogging, although I may write a few retrospectives on Cuisine Quotidienne, which is breathing its last.
Come September, I will likely be writing only one blog -- certainly this one.
In the meantime, I hope to catch up with you and do some blog reading...and I'll certainly remain active on my Twitter page.
A great summer to all! Bon été!