I hope you, my faithful readers of La France Profonde, have remarked that I rarely use this blog to vent about the themes expats living in France love to whine about: strikes, administrative formalities, mothers-in-law...
But I do have a complaint today. And it's not about France. It's about expat bloggers bemoaning the unavailability of certain food items here.
I recently read a post (which I won't link to because it never even crossed my mind to be that negative) whine about how the chocolate chips in France are -- get this -- too small!
I know, I'm sounding old and I'm feeling old. But I was a student in France at a time when there was not a chocolate chip to be found, other than in one or two shops in Paris. And really, why should there have been?
I know, I'm sounding old and I'm feeling old. But I was a student in France at a time when there was not a chocolate chip to be found, other than in one or two shops in Paris. And really, why should there have been?
My fellow students and I did miss cookies, which we seemed to think were a food group, so to make them we bought French cooking chocolate and hacked it up -- quite a task.
By the time I moved to France in 1990, chocolate chips, or les pépites de chocolat, were widely available in almost all major supermarkets. Sure, they're a little small...

(Photo courtesy of the excellent French cooking blog Goumandises)
...but they've never stopped me, nor my daughters, from making a mean chocolate chip cookie.
I can't help but feel that some homesick bloggers need to put things in their proper perspective from time to time.
Get a grip. Relativisez. At least you can buy chocolate chips!